Set hyperparamters used in the model
d = 35,
eta = NULL,
mu_mu = NULL,
Sigma_mu = NULL,
nu_omega = NULL,
n_Lambda = NULL,
Sigma_Lambda = NULL,
nu_tau = NULL,
lambda0 = NULL,
lambda1 = NULL,
alpha_p = NULL,
beta_p = NULL
list of seurat object
dimension of latent factor.
smoothing parameters in Potts model.
mean vector of gaussian distribution (mu).
shared covariance matrix of gaussian distribution (mu).
shape and rate parameters of gamma distribution (omega).
degree of freedom of wishart distribution (Lambda).
pds location matrix (Lambda).
shape and rate parameters of gamma distribution (tau).
variance of gaussian distribution (L).
variance of gaussian distribution (L).
shape1 parameter of beta distribution (p).
shape2 parameter of beta distribution (p).
result: a list of hyperparameters